Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Graeme wins

Gfool24: whres my movie?

Why its right here, Graeme.

False alarm

And for those of you that think that I'm banned from ever having a lan again, apparently I shall be having more lans. Just not until christmas. But oh well, at least I can still have them.

Error553: Disc quota exceeded.

I finally found out why the blog has been acting wierd lately. It turns out that I've used up my 10 mb of space. The pictures apparently took up 99% of the site, so I have decided to move them all to another site. Nothing serious should be broken on this site, since I havent been putting many pictures on here lately. I also plan to upload all of the old pics from pasts lans, like i used to have.

Here is the site address

Lan aftermath

Well i'm finally awake to post about the lan. It was a good turnout, we had about 13 people show up. And apparently I had lost count of what lan this was, and it was the 20th one i have had. Yay! We actually played alot this lan and we got to have the great race to wendy's on shelbyville road. The 240 was $$. Then, waking up and getting dunkin donuts in the morning was rape.

Here are the pictures from the lan, screenshots included. There are videos too.

