Invisible American
"Under America's current campaign finance rules, it often doesn't even matter if your political candidate wins, because the vast majority of candidates are beholden to the rich who pay for their election campaigns. Beholden to those few lucky good people (or bad) who possess this mountain of cash, and so own most U.S. corporations (including U.S. mainstream media) as well. You literally cannot avoid seeing their viewpoints if you turn on your TV. But you'll almost never see your own-- unless they successfully convince you to adopt theirs.
And they have $billions for dazzling presentations and TV shows and entertaining TV personalities with which to drown you in propaganda until you finally swallow it, lock, stock, and barrel.
America may be the last modern western republic or democracy to allow a handful of the wealthy to run the government and the mainstream media this way. Other countries use higher taxes on the rich, public financing of elections and sometimes news media too, and/or other measures to avoid American style commercial corruption among their public officials.
It's the opposite of free speech: it's bought and paid for speech. For billionaires only."
-- [1] The invisible American