Tuesday, November 09, 2004

World of Worldcraft open Beta

Well it appears that yesterday that Blizzard Software opened up the World of Warcraft to beta, to just about anyone. I was slow to hear the news, and yet I still got in. I was afraid that I wouldn't get in like the past times that they had opened it for a short period of time.

So right now I am downloading the game via the "Blizzard Downloader" that looks surprisingly familiar to any common Bitorrent client. It is operating the same way, with download for upload. Only 1 day 2 hours and 19 minutes to go.

Get the beta here.

Firefox 1.0

Firefox 1.0

Today is the big day that Firefox gets upgraded. Firefox is turning out to become pretty popular, because of the fact that microsoft's internet explorer still has many secuirty holes that havent been fixed, and Firefox has some features that IE does not. I myself use firefox, and I have many plugins that I use to make my browsing easier.
I've been meaning to put up an firefox banner on the site, but I have been pretty lazy recently. Today is a good day to finally do so.

Switch to Firefox 1.0

